Modern steel building collapses mysteriously in unprecedented accident. Natural causes are assumed. No one would suggest that the fact it's unprecedented requires us to be suspicious. A once in a lifetime accident is one thing. Preset charges are another. And in the case of the Trade Towers, there seems to be those little puffs of smoke that shoot out like charges being blown just as the towers go down. Combined with fire-fighters' testimony of otherwise mysterious secondary explosions, it seems like a lock for a case of conspiracy.
Maybe 9/11 was a clusterfuck. Maybe al-Quaida hijacked the planes and crashed them, but the Mossad knew about it and planted and blew the charges, and Bush either knew all, part, or none of the plan but in any case got that memo and probably thought, "Bring it on," in this, this best-case scenario for Bush of incompetence and deriliction, Bush who had just slashed the anti-terrorism budget.
Even assuming the Bush administration didn't do it themselves, and even disregarding their wrongheaded and botched response to it, one can still argue that the terrorists could have been caught beforehand using the robust anti-terrorism budgets of the previous radioactive administration. And probably using normal law-enforcement techniques and respectin' civil liberties. So, as far as Bush goes, it's malfeasance or incompetence, take your pick. 9/11 might not have happened without him either way.
Want to stress the moral equivalence of setting the charges himself and letting it happen to get his Pearl Harbor moment. They are the same.