Sunday, April 10, 2005

World's oldest object lends support to alternative oil theory

In our estimation anyway; it won't say that in the article we link to here. But it says this one tiny crystal has been dated to be 4.4 billion years old, making it a very early rock - if the dating schemes are correct, but we'll have to look at that another time. But with that caveat, they have determined this oldest object on earth to have formed in a colder environment than they thought was around back then. So the entire earth must have formed at cooler temperatures than was assumed. This little zircon flake has rewritten all of geology.

And where it lends support to to the abiogenic theory of oil formation is the following. If earth formed at a cooler temperature, that lends support to the solar nebula origin of the earth, which was on the cooler side. (Some earth origin theories are hot.) This cool formation of gathering rock and dust in a solar nebula would have plenty of hydrocarbons (oil etc) from the outset. You do not need to invoke a "fossil fuels" origin of compressed ferns and such for oil.

So the "peak oil" worries might not pan out; we should act like peak oil is coming anyway in order to arrest the greenhouse effect.


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