Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More evidence that mad cow disease goes undetected in the US

No one paying attention to this issue will be surprised by the info in the article (but boy will people who aren't paying attention be mad when their brains turn to swiss cheese, despite assurances from the the government, their legions of scientists for hire, and corporate lobbyists, who all share a revolving door between the industry and its regulating agencies).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that the people reading this page are protecting themselves, but I don't get too worried about a massive human die-off. Given that our population is so enormous, it would take many enormous disasters to have a lasting impact on our species survival. Some advocate a massive kill-off in order to reduce the number of people, but as an aesthetic choice, I'd rather solve the overpopulation problem by attrition. Since stupid people have more babies (IMCO), avoidable problems like contaminated food seem to me a good way to increase the genetic vigor of the human race, even as our numbers decline.

1:31 PM  

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